COERR Kanchanaburi supported the farmers who are the vulnerable group under the Cheewit Dee Dee Project to grow organic vegetable and beansprout for their own food and for other vulnerable in Ban Tham Hin Temporary Shelter, Suan Pueng District, Ratchaburi Province. There were 15 famers of 11 females and 4 males participating. They harvested 523 kilogram of vegetables in this month.
For beansprout cultivation, there were 33 vulnerable consisting of 16 females and 17 males participating. COERR Mae Sot organized two Projects in Ban Nupo Temporary Shelter in Tak Province’s Umpang District.
On March 22nd, the single mothers from nearby home villages, gathered to help others in cultivating bean sprout. The products after harvest were shared among them and the surplus was distributed to others, such as the handicapped and the elderly. The activity enabled these vulnerable widows (single-mom) to strengthen their relationship and work together for themselves and other vulnerable. They realized the value of friendship and supportive roles of each other during the activity. There were 31 participants of 28 females and 3 males in this project.
Later, on March 29th, COERR organized the Beansprout cultivation by youth for the needy. In this project, children and youth made friendship and volunteering mindset. They also learned about cultivation, observe how beans germinated, and solve the problems occurred by themselves. There were 50 children and youth participating, consisting of 42 females and 8 males.
COERR Kanchanaburi’s Vegetable Gardening and Bean Sprout Project for EVIs

The Single Moms’ Beansprouts for the Poorer in Ban Nupo Temporary Shelter Supported by COERR Mae Sot

Youth’s Beansprout Production for Community
